Mapping global forest canopy height through integration of GEDI and Landsat data

Author(s): Potapov, P. Li, X. Hernandez-Serna, A. Tyukavina, A. Hansen, M.C.
+ 9
Publication Year: 2020
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source: Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation
Access to the Study: Open link
Permanent Resource Identifier: Open link
FSC Resource Identifier: Open link
Collections: FSC Research Portal

(not yet curated)

Sustainability dimension(s): (not yet curated)
Subject Keywords: (not yet curated)
Regions: (not yet curated)
Countries: (not yet curated)
Forest Zones: (not yet curated)
Forest Type: (not yet curated)
Tenure Ownership: (not yet curated)
Tenure Management: (not yet curated)
Evidence Category: FSC relevant studies
Evidence Type: Case study
Evidence Subtype: (not yet curated)
Data Type: (not yet curated)