Can't see the people for the trees' Assessment of the free, prior and informed consent agreement between Sumalindo and the community of Long Bagun, district of Kutai Barat, East Kalimantan province (Indonesia)

Author(s): Sofyar, Y. Nyompe, P. Kairupan, F. Wibowo, S. Suryadin, D.
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Publication Year: 2007
Publication Type: Working Paper
Source: (not yet curated)
Access to the Study: Open link
Permanent Resource Identifier: Open link
FSC Resource Identifier:
Collections: FSC Research Portal

Pokja Hutan Kaltim (the 'East Kalimantan Working Group on Forests') has been observing the development of the timber legality standard and its verification system, as well as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification of the PT Sumalindo Lestari Jaya logging concession since June 2003. This is the report of the case study into the local indigenous people's experiences with Sumalindo.

Sustainability dimension(s): Environmental Social
Subject Keywords: Forests Certification
Regions: Asia
Countries: Indonesia
Forest Zones: Tropical
Forest Type: Natural Forest
Tenure Ownership: Public
Tenure Management: Private
Evidence Category: FSC effect-related studies
Evidence Type: Case study
Evidence Subtype: Qualitative
Data Type: Interviews/surveys