Is Amazon nut certification a solution for increased smallholder empowerment in Peruvian Amazonia?

Author(s): Quaedvlieg, J. Roca, M.G. Ros-Tonen, M.A.F.
Publication Year: 2014
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source: (not yet curated) (33, 41-55)
Access to the Study: Open link
Permanent Resource Identifier: Open link
FSC Resource Identifier: Open link
Collections: FSC Research Portal

(not yet curated)

Sustainability dimension(s): Economic Social
Subject Keywords: Cooperatives Markets Smallholders
+ 10
Regions: South America
Countries: Peru
Forest Zones: Tropical
Forest Type: Natural Forest
Tenure Ownership: Smallholder
Tenure Management: Smallholder
Evidence Category: FSC effect-related studies
Evidence Type: Case study
Evidence Subtype: Qualitative
Data Type: Mixed methods, Interviews/surveys