The problematic social dimension of sustainable development: the case of the Forest Stewardship Council

Author(s): Bostr�m, M.
Publication Year: 2012
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source: Science Advances (19, 1)
Access to the Study: Open link
Permanent Resource Identifier: Open link
FSC Resource Identifier: Open link
Collections: FSC Research Portal

(not yet curated)

Sustainability dimension(s): Social
Subject Keywords: Forests Certification
Regions: (not yet curated)
Countries: (not yet curated)
Forest Zones: (not yet curated)
Forest Type: (not yet curated)
Tenure Ownership: (not yet curated)
Tenure Management: (not yet curated)
Evidence Category: FSC effect-related studies
Evidence Type: Empirical study
Evidence Subtype: qualitative
Data Type: Case studies