Pesticides Alternatives

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It is part of FSC’s Pest Management Policy to support derogation holders to phase out the use of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs). To do so, FSC has implemented a database in which interested stakeholders will find alternative strategies/practices/products that have previously been implemented by forest managers. These alternatives have been selected following the 3R principle: Reduction, Replacement, Removal with the ultimate objective of abandoning the use of HHPs.

Pesticides Alternatives Search Results

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  • Thumbnail Image
    Publication Year: 2014
    Publication Type:
    Sustainability dimension(s):
    Subject Keywords: Pesticides Chemicals
    Regions: Northern Europe, Europe
    Countries: United Kingdom
    Forest Zones:
    Forest Type:
    Tenure Ownership:
    Tenure Management:
    Alternative Strategy: Mixtures can be used to provide an insurance when the risk of disease is not clear, e.g. it is recommended that wild cherry (Prunus avium) forms no more than 10% of any new or restocked woodland because of the risk of it succumbing to bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv.Morsprunorum). In some situations mixtures can effectively delay or reduce the build-up of a pest within a plantation, for example the use of a mixed beech/conifer plantation can reduce the impact of beech bark disease. However, it must be recognised that there are some disadvantages to mixtures in terms of ease of management and productivity.
    Alternative Method: Reduction
    Active Ingredient:
    Alternative Trial: No
    Alternative Type: Specific strategy
    Pest Type: Disease