Pesticides Alternatives

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It is part of FSC’s Pest Management Policy to support derogation holders to phase out the use of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs). To do so, FSC has implemented a database in which interested stakeholders will find alternative strategies/practices/products that have previously been implemented by forest managers. These alternatives have been selected following the 3R principle: Reduction, Replacement, Removal with the ultimate objective of abandoning the use of HHPs.

Pesticides Alternatives Search Results

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    Publication Year: 2014
    Publication Type:
    Sustainability dimension(s):
    Subject Keywords: Pesticides Chemicals
    Regions: South America, Latin America and the Caribbean
    Countries: Brazil
    Forest Zones:
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    Tenure Ownership:
    Tenure Management:
    Alternative Strategy: A simple but highly effective method for preventing damage from yellow beetles in Brazil is to leave sprouting tree stumps in plantations (at least two months before adult beetles appear). Seedlings are planted among leftover, sprouting tree stumps. Beetles preferentially feed on sprouts ('pull plants') and are distracted from the young seedlings (Anjos & Majer 2003).21 This method gave good results in all cases where beetle density was not high enough to consume the foliage of sprouts on stumps. It is likely to be also effective with various other beetle species. A research institute in Portugal, RAIZ, has been studying this simple and highly effective alternative for several years. They found that Eucalyptus weevils (Gonipterus scutellatus) can be effectively managed by cutting several Eucalyptus trees and leaving the cut tree stumps in plantations. The Eucalyptus weevil (or snout beetle) is strongly attracted to sprouting stumps, resulting in such low infestation levels that chemical control can be omitted.22 To distract leaf-eating beetles from crop trees, 'pull hedges' can be grown from eucalyptus shoots at the edge of managed areas (between separate FMUs) and at the boundary of nursery seedbeds. Other native plants and robust eucalyptus species which leaf-eating beetles attack preferentially can be interplanted between tree lines to distract beetles from seedlings. This method has been used for a long time in Australia. E.g. by interplanting Eucalyptus grandis with the species E. dunnii, damage to E. grandis caused by Christmas beetles (Anoplognathus chloropyrus) can be minimized. The species E. dunnii is a preferred food plant of Christmas beetles and tolerates extensive defoliation for several successive years (Carne & Taylor 1978).23
    Alternative Method: Replacement
    Active Ingredient:
    Alternative Trial: Yes
    Alternative Type: Specific strategy
    Pest Type: Insect
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    Publication Year: 2014
    Publication Type:
    Sustainability dimension(s):
    Subject Keywords: Pesticides Chemicals
    Regions: Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean
    Countries: Mexico
    Forest Zones:
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    Tenure Ownership:
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    Alternative Strategy: Researched strategies include mixing christmas tree species that are not susceptible to Swiss Blight attack, such as Pinus ayacahuite and Abies religiosa,• alter the plantation diversity by cultivating trees of different ages.• In the long-term allow genetic control in order to get hardy plants which are robust to attack from Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii fungus,• testing fungi that may be antagonistic to Swiss Blight, or using less toxic chemicals than chlorothalonil.
    Alternative Method: Reduction
    Active Ingredient:
    Alternative Trial: No
    Alternative Type: Cultivation practice
    Pest Type: Fungus