Pesticides Alternatives
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It is part of FSC’s Pest Management Policy to support derogation holders to phase out the use of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs). To do so, FSC has implemented a database in which interested stakeholders will find alternative strategies/practices/products that have previously been implemented by forest managers. These alternatives have been selected following the 3R principle: Reduction, Replacement, Removal with the ultimate objective of abandoning the use of HHPs.
Pesticides Alternatives Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 48
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: New ZealandForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: In New Zealand, significant progress towards a bait-delivered contraceptive vaccine for possums is expected within the near future. The system of delivery still poses some challenges and immigration of fertile animals from non-treated areas may compensate for treatment effects. Population models indicated that fertility control can be effective where population reduction does not have to be as rapid as lethal techniques, or where the objective is to maintain a population at low levels established previously with exclusion or lethal techniques. Fertility control is not likely to be useful for short-term, localized management of browsing damage, e.g. during the establishment phaseAlternative Method: ReplacementActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Animal
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: AustraliaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: A combination of glyphosate and imazypyr. Imazypyr has long residual action and is being trialled on firebreaks to see if it reduces the number of times firebreaks must be sprayed.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: AustraliaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Improve timing of site preparation to reduce the need for post plant weed control and residual weed control. Plant large nutrient-loaded trees with browsing repellent applied to assist trees getting above weed height quickly.Alternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: AustraliaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Elders Forestry has piloted a system of taking harvest residues deposited at harvest landings after in field chip operations and mulching and re-distributing them across the site to provide a mulched layer which suppresses weed growthAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: United KingdomForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Five repellents that were of low toxicity or derived from foodstuffs were investigated for their ability to deter feeding by wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus L.) and grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis Gmelin). In experiments in controlled conditions, when given the option of feeding on unlimited amounts of untreated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), or wheat treated with aluminium ammonium sulphate, sulphonated fish oil, denatonium benzoate, ziram or capsaicin, all the repellents tested initially deterred feeding, although in one experiment mice showed some habituation to the repellents after 4 weeks. Capsaicin was the most effective treatment, and aluminium ammonium sulphate the least effective, possibly because it did not stick to the wheat grains. When ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) seed were treated with combinations of aluminium ammonium sulphate, sulphonated fish oil or denatonium benzoate, compared to the freely available untreated seed, mice were deterred by any treatment containing aluminium ammonium sulphate, with effectiveness again declining after 4 weeks. When a mixture of broadleaved tree species were sown on farmland, coating seed with aluminium ammonium sulphate or sulphonated fish oil had no effect on seedling emergence. Capsaicin derived from chilli peppers (Capsicum sp.) showed the greatest potential as a repellent in our work, but no repellent product containing this active ingredient is currently approved for plant protection uses in the United Kingdom. Given its relatively low cost, the use of aluminium ammonium sulphate, a non-toxic repellent based on an approved food additive, which is available formulated as a registered plant protection product in the United Kingdom, may be worth considering for direct sowings where predation pressure from mice is predicted to be particularly high, or where tree species with very palatable seed are being used, to complement other predation mitigation strategies.Alternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Animal
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsAlternative Strategy: Extracts from the following plants were toxic to leaf-cutting ants or inhibited the symbiotic fungus: Ateleia glazioviana / Timbó, Canavalia ensiformis, Centrosem brasilianum, Citrus sinensis, Helietta puberula, Hymenaea courbaril / Jatoba, Ipomea batata, Manihot esculenta / manipueira, Myroxylon peruiferum / cabreúva, Pilocarpus grandiflorus, Piper cenocladum, Raulinoa echinata, Ricinus communis, and Sesamum indicum. E.g. manipueira is approved for ant control and is toxic to various insects (Magalhães et al 2000; Sebrae 2008). Limonexic acid, an extract from Raulinoa echinata, was highly toxic to leaf-cutting ants and reduced their life-span considerably (Biavatti et al 2005).Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: IrelandForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Since 2006 Coillte have been trialing a number of feeding barriers A latex type paint which, when applied to the lower 50 % of the plant, Coating the lower 60% of a plant in fine sand (grain size = 0.2 mm) embedded in an acrylate dispersion. Seedlings are treated in the nursery by a large-scale application procedure involving four steps: (i) spraying the seedlings with water; (ii) application of fixative to the lower sections of the stems, (iii) application of fine sand to the fixative; and (iv) drying of the fixativeAlternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: AustraliaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Cultural Weed controlReduce chemical input at plantation establishment by: - Achieving rapid initial growth – reduces the time availability for weed species to become established - Good site preparation - good site preparation reduces weed growth, maximises the seedling opportunity to survive and grow, disadvantages existing weeds, and reduces the risk of poor planting technique - Planting espacement – close spacing reduces weed capacity to surviveAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsAlternative Strategy: Douglas-fir beetle repellent uses MCH – a naturally occurring anti-aggregation pheromone of the Douglas-fir beetle to protect living trees from attack by spruce and Douglas-fir beetles. It is also used to prevent the build-up of populations on logs, stumps, and fallen trees. MCH sends a message that the tree is full and that beetles should look elsewhere for a suitable host.Beetles and other insects communicate using pheromones. MCH replicates the beetle pheromone that tells other beetles the tree is full and that the food supply is insufficient for additional beetles. Arriving beetles receive the 'message' that they should look elsewhere for a suitable host.Alternative Method: ReplacementActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: AustraliaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: The active ingerdient is derived from the bottlebrush plant and its active ingedients are mesotrione (48%) and ethylene glycol (14%). This will reduce Terbuthylazine active ingredient by up to 50% over normal rates. There are also trails in Australia on Bluegums as a replacement for Simazine.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Weed