FSC Research Portal

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The FSC Research Portal is an online catalogue that aims to facilitate the search for publications relevant to FSC operations and to provide syntheses of their most relevant findings to FSC staff. These publications range from scientific articles to grey literature, reports, working papers and books. Publications included in the portal to date are of two types: FSC Effect-Related Studies, empirical studies that report on the outcomes and/or impacts of FSC certification; and FSC Relevant Studies, publications that contain information relevant to the development of FSC normative documents.

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Users can navigate* the FSC Research Portal in three different ways. First, by clicking on one of the buttons below to filter publications by evidence category. Second, by typing a keyword into the search bar. Or third, by using one or more of the metadata** filters located on the left side of the interface.

Evidence categories: FSC Effect-Related Studies FSC Relevant Studies

(*) If you encounter any technical problems, wish to provide feedback on the metadata of any of the publications, and/or recommend the inclusion of a new publication, please write to open@fsc.org.

(**) For more details on the metadata architecture, see the research protocol

FSC Research Portal Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Thumbnail Image
    Author(s): Rutishauser, E. H�rault, B. Baraloto, C. Blanc, L. Descroix, L.
    + 19
    Publication Year: 2015
    Source: (not yet curated)
    Publication Type: Journal Article
    Sustainability dimension(s): Environmental
    Topics: Climate
    Subtopics: Carbon
    Subject Keywords: Carbon stock Carbon dioxide emissions Forest disturbance
    + 1
    Regions: South America
    Countries: Brazil, French Guiana, Bolivia
    + 1
    Forest Zones: Tropical
    Forest Type: Natural Forest
    Tenure Ownership: (not yet curated)
    Tenure Management: (not yet curated)
    Evidence Category: FSC relevant studies
    Evidence Type: Case study
    Evidence Subtype: (not yet curated)
    Data Type: Field measurements
  • Thumbnail Image
    Author(s): Tritsch, I. Sist, P. Narvaes, I.S. Mazzei, L. Blanc, L.
    + 3
    Publication Year: 2016
    Source: Science to Policy
    Publication Type: Journal Article
    Sustainability dimension(s): Environmental
    Subtopics: Tree damage
    Subject Keywords: Deforestation Harvesting Illegal logging
    + 1
    Regions: South America
    Countries: Brazil
    Forest Zones: Tropical
    Forest Type: (not yet curated)
    Tenure Ownership: Private
    Tenure Management: Private
    Evidence Category: FSC effect-related studies
    Evidence Type: Comparative study with matched control
    Evidence Subtype: Data collected post-intervention
    Data Type: Remote sensing